The icon for the chinese accented voice has longer hair, suggesting a female voice, presumably Zhao Interestingly, in the leaked Alpha the opening sequence is subtly different.Whoever Page is talking to has infiltrated SI. The inverted English reads "Remote access - Sarif Industries". One other interesting note about the IM - look carefully at Page's keyboard when he starts typing.My guess he's texting with (and has already recruited) Walton Simons. It's certainly not Darrow or Taggart, neither of whom have any interest in the kind of advances Megan's research can bring beyond "remove augs" and "regulate augs" respectively, and he has no reason to care about Zhao. As a corollary: who is Bob Page having the IM conversation with? Whoever it is, he's doing it behind everyone else's back, which implies he has different plans for Megan's research and is already thinking ahead to nanoaugmentation.(possibly the southern-accented speaker and Philip Mead?) An unknown male politician in Washington, D.C.An unknown "olive-skinned" woman in Dubai.The following are the strongest conclusions this troper can draw: The same eight-member council also makes an appearance in the tie-in novel Icarus Effect, which reveals a bit more about each member and enough to confirm the identities of a few. In the final game, there are in fact seven other Illuminati members in the conference call, although only four or five speak.Presumably during Human Revolution he is still upwardly mobile Even though the fourth voice is distorted, it has a distinct hint of a southern United States accent, which correlates with the brief conversation with Lucius DeBeers from the first game.The fourth is likely Everett, since he's in charge of Picus and would thus have an immediate interest in the subject matter.The list is most likely: Hugh Darrow (guy with a British accent), Zhao Yun Ru (the woman), William Taggart, and drawing a blank on the last one. It's more likely that Bob Page is conferring with the other Illuminati leaders, so a more plausible list would be Stanton Dowd, Beth DuClare, Lucius DeBeers, and Everett.Hugh, the nobel prize winner - this is the only one I'm 100% certain of.The four people in the conference call (besides Bob Page) are.